2023 Annual Meeting
ParkThis is the Annual Meeting of the Tides West Community Association and will be held in the park.
This is the Annual Meeting of the Tides West Community Association and will be held in the park.
Use this link to connect online: https://meet.google.com/mxq-eimx-ada
Use the following link to join our meeting remotely: http://meet.google.com/fdx-euxn-wci
Video link to meeting: https://meet.google.com/pbw-ajbg-szi
Here's the link to join our meeting remotely: https://calendar.app.google/GxX6WAKADPWPFJHW7
We will meet at Margie Smith's house at 1104 194th St. To join remotely go to https://meet.google.com/wpn-zytz-jpm
You can join the meeting remotely by clicking this link: meet.google.com/hwr-vzkm-qot